Wednesday, January 4, 2017


It makes sense, doesn't it, when something like the Affordable Care Act exhibits shortcomings, that steps would be taken to fix it. It's hardly conceivable that it is so bad that an arm of the government would be bent on axing it out of existence. This has been the mantra of the Republican Party since the bill's enactment. It now affects the lives of millions of people, and its history has shown that there are shortcomings. The sensible course of action is to fix it, not kill it. Its shortcomings are clearly fixable and action along this line is what is called for. A gradual conversion to medicare for all, it seems to me, makes more sense. It could be designed so that if people took care of their health and did not use it, they would be eligible for a rebate. A healthier nation would be an automatic result. Everyone wins.

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