On September 14 Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator, announced NASA plans to build a heavy lift space launch vehicle. The proposed design had been discussed at length with members of Congress. Geo-political pressures led to configuring the rocket largely out of space shuttle parts, which amounts to single-sourcing the project, ignoring the high costs that occurred in that system. Funding for the project is projected at $2B per year until first flight in 2017. Most troubling about this initiative is that it does not have a mission. Current NASA thoughts for this rocket include such ventures as a manned asteroid mission, return to the moon and journey to Mars. For over forty years, the United States has never had more than two or three astronauts on extended orbital stay. Unless something changes, it is clear that will continue for decades into the future. This has to change if the pace of human exploration and exploitation of space opportunities is to grow meaningfully.
The following op-ed appears in the September 19 issue of Space News.
by Edward Hujsak
Any rational follower of aerospace activities can’t help but be baffled at current discussions between NASA and members of Congress, centered on design and subsequent funding of a heavy lift launch vehicle - an inversion of accepted, normal practice and unlikely to lead anywhere. As a “make work” program, the initiative is borderline irresponsible. There is no defined mission for a heavy lift launch vehicle, as yet, much less an approved, funded mission. Therefore, even if a heavy lift program were to be started, it would be an easy target for cancellation during budget negotiations since there is no mission for it. The idea that “We will build it and they will come,” is risky at best, especially when billions of dollars are involved.
Normal practice is to begin with a proposed mission. Every member of the Congressional Space Committees knows this. The President should have known this when in his April 15, 2010 speech to aerospace workers in Florida, he called for development of an advanced heavy lift rocket. A mission concept can come from anywhere, from the President, from Agency heads or their staffs and even from a low echelon engineer/visionary who metaphorically flutters his butterfly wings with an idea, eventually to become a storm half a world away.
With the identification, description, and approval of a mission, the next step is to provide fund ing for requirements definition, preliminary designs and planning. This is the point at which the
proposed launch system emerges, whether existing or a new design, and where the first credible projections of incremental and total cost are revealed. If the mission requires a heavy lifter, com- petition, not Congressional direction, will determine how the rocket will be built.
In a new, ambitious mission that could call for heavy lift capability, serious consideration should be given to avoid what has historically characterized manned space ventures as “Been there, done that.” The term describes lunar exploration, Skylab, Space Shuttle, and looming ahead, because its replication is unlikely, the ISS. In the latter case there is opportunity to do something that has legs far into the future.
Although the life of the ISS is variously projected ten and twenty years into the future, the truth is that the system has turned vulnerable. The original system was an active symbiosis between Shuttle and spacecraft. Half of that duality has been retired, leaving the station in the awkward situation of dependency on Russian launch vehicles for personnel and supplies transfer. Recent loss of a resupply flight clearly illustrates the fragility of the remaining system.
United States space planners need to move sensibly and soberly to ensure that ISS and manned operations in Earth orbit do not again end up a “been there done that” phenomenon. The end of ISS could mean another 20 or 30 year hiatus before manned operations are resumed.
Coincidentally, the only sensible mission on the horizon that can both justify development of a heavy lifter and set the stage for more ambitious exploration missions than are now possible, is to extend and grow manned presence in near space in a seamless transition to an already tested, more flexible and more economical system than ISS.
NASA pointed the way in the Post-Apollo years when in 1973 the Skylab orbital workshop was launched. Even though damaged in flight, the station was host to three different pairs of astro- nauts for 28 days, 59 days, and 84 days successively. Though there was a strong contingent within NASA to continue with the program, NASA elected instead to undertake development of the Space Shuttle with a companion “Spacelab” shrunken to fit inside the cargo bay. Spacelab was built and in the years between 1983 and 1993 seven dedicated missions (two were German) were flown. Total time in orbit - 59 days. In contrast, Skylab was manned for 171 days. Eventually, Spacelab morphed into the modules on the United States section of the ISS. Current US space presence is not much different from Skylab, which was designed for 3 astronauts. Even now, it is not much of a stretch to “unshrink” Spacelab and resurface the original Skylab concept.
By now it should be evident that it is going to be slow going if the United States is unable to field more than two or three astronauts, one mission at a time. This can be changed.
Skylab pointed the way to the possibility of turnkey space stations that can serve various
requirements, including scientific research, industrial research, manufacturing and processing, military missions, and even safe, robust tourist destinations.
In concept, turnkey stations would consist of a standard bus that provides services, with inter-
face capability to a variety of applications modules. The approach would enable offering launch and orbital services to nations around the world that otherwise would never have any hope of launching one hundred ton payloads for their own research purposes. The system, were it to be put into place, would have the following main benefits:
*Seamless transition from expiring ISS into more modern, flexible systems via turnkey stations. *A huge new business base, populating low Earth orbit with multiple, productive workstations. *Uniform, safe global control over large objects going into space as well as large-mass reentry safety.
*Availability of heavy lift, which will open the gates to a variety of ambitious missions - Lunar Base, Mars exploration, Asteroid landing Deep Space exploration, Space Power prototype, per- haps even the first interstellar probe.
In this ambitious, but readily achievable manned space scenario a new mantra will become obvious for future space undertakings: Because we can.
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