Thursday, February 23, 2017


Write to:

Senator Dianne Feinstein

Now that President Trump has reversed Obama’s decision on the Keystone and Dakota pipelines, they will in all liklihood go ahead with construction. I think it is important to insert in the permits what will happen after the pipelines have outlived their use. Disposal of the pipelines is an important issue, as is restoration of the landscape to its original condition. The companies involved should be required to put up a bond to ensure that the work is done.

And to Governor Brown

Given that  carbon emissions abatement is an important issue for California, and that in many ways California is leading the way for the nation, I urge you to consider requirIng that Diesel locomotives convert to biodiesel. In one significant move, an entire segment of the transportation industry can be converted to a near zero carbon footprint. California can do this as it already has a healthy biodiesel industry. Along these lines, I urge you to authorize hemp growing, a very good cash crop and source of oil as well as other products that grows well in semi-arable areas. Congress foolishly banned the growing of hemp because it belongs to the cannabis family. Hemp could be a source of biodiesel and is already useful for soaps, health oils, rope, fabrics, etc. Why should we have to import it?

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