Wednesday, August 5, 2015


      Nearly every day a telephone call arrives from the Democratic National Committee, begging for money. Were I foolish enough to contribute in that manner instead of directly to those whom I support, the DNC may or may not  support candidates I favor. Specifically, I would rule out spending any money to support Hillary Clinton.
-    Hillary Clinton comes from a gene pool of corrupt politicians and corrupt financiers who,  at the end of the  20th century, set the stage for near-collapse of the US economy in 2008.
    The critical event occurred in late 1999 when Senator Phil Gramm of Texas  inserted a 254 page amendment into a budget bill that Bill Clinton was about to sign.The amendment gutted  the Glass Steagall Act. This law, enacted in 1933, served the country well by preventing bankers from using their customers’ savings to finance risky investments. Mellow and inattentive in the waning hours of his administration, President Clinton signed the bill.
    Phil Gramm did not write the two hundred fifty-four page amendment by himself. One can be certain that it was crafted by experts, bent on pursuing their own agendas,  confident that in the event of failure, the Federal Government (that is,we the people) would bail them out. They wrote the bill and devised a crafty way to get it approved without debate, or even any knowledge of it by most members of Congress. No one in the Media was smart enough to raise a red flag.

     President Bush was happy with Clinton's  action and confounded the public further by reducing taxes on  the wealthy. Topping that, he led the nation into a trillion dollars added indebtedness by conducting two wars on borrowed money.
    Gutting Glass Steagall  opened up the gates of hell, allowing bankers to free-wheel with their customers’ savings, luring them into all kinds of high risk investments. The collapse came before the decade was out, the highlight of which was the Treasury Secretary informing President Bush that too-big-to-fail banks needed 750 billion dollars to remain solvent.
    The President caved,  the ransom was paid, and the American people were stuck with the bill. The financial firms were back in business. No one was prosecuted. No one went to jail. The principals involved collected their huge salaries, and even took home bonuses that year. But individual investors were left high and dry..
    How much is 750 billion dollars? Enough to build a World Trade Center II every fifteen miles from coast to coast across the United States.
    Word is that Senators Sanders and McCain are teaming to get Glass Steagall reinstated. Opposition will be strong. The President has as yet not taken a position, but  action is absolutely necessary if the nation is to prosper without fear of reversion to the oligarchy that ruled during  the 1920’s before the Great Depression.
    I’ll not ever send a nickel to the DNC, nor the RNC either.

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