Wednesday, February 4, 2015


  This letter was sent to Senators  Feinstein and Boxer,Congresswoman Susan Davis and Congressman Scott
Peters. Copy freely.    

The massive flaring of natural gas from the oil fields in North Dakota can easily be spotted from space.That is only part of the emissions because much natural gas (methane), a product of oil drilling, is simply vented to the atmosphere. Methane is worse than carbon dioxide in the context of climate change.
      Someone, or perhaps many, are not doing their job, and that includes members of Congress and the EPA, who by default, by inaction, are responsible for one of the largest carbon footprints of all.
      Someone has to be brought up short for this greedy behavior on the part of drillers, who  are not required to capture and conserve natural gas emissions.
      This reckless activity, wasting energy reserves and polluting the atmosphere is nothing short of criminal and you should do something about it. There is a limit to which going for the extra buck should be allowed, especially when the future of the planet is at stake.

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