Sunday, July 23, 2017


To Senators:
Dianne Feinstein
Kamala Harris
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren

Dear Senators:

Whatever happened to Advise and Consent, a time-honored role of the United States Senate, if not a mandate, to rein in untoward use of executive power by an unpredictable President?

It is clear that President Trump’s frequent issuance of executive orders reflects an inner desire to perform like a dictator, for whom he has expressed admiration and support. It should not be left to some obscure Attorney General in Hawaii or Washington State to examine and determine the constitutionality of a Decree at some indefinite time in the future, perhaps after considerable damage has been done,

Rather, upon the issuance of an executive order, the Senate should immediately tell the President whether or not this is a good idea. Failing this, you leave the country to be run by Rasputin-like Steve Bannon, who has the president’s ear and has stated that his goal is to deprogram the administration. You can hear  the Grover Norquist crowd  cheering in the background..


Edward Hujsak

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Donald Trump, introduced, to religion by two Corinthians, who had nothing else to do at the time, is now holding prayer meetings with evangelicals in the oval office, with  the laying on of hands for good measure.What may be more encouraging and exciting, we may all eventually be saved by executive order!