Saturday, January 28, 2017


Praise be upon those happy souls
who care about the elderly
and frail of limb.
Praise be.

Praise be upon the passerby
who trundles in my  trash container,
picks up the Daily News
and drops it by my door.

Praise be upon my Nisei friend
who thinks to buy me apples when she shops
and phones when at the pharmacy 
to learn my needs.

Praise be upon my pc doc
who stops in mid-commute
to check on me.
They don’t do house calls anymore, you know.

Praise be upon my relatives
who weekly check my empty shelves
then stock them full  from Ralphs,
Whole  Foods and Trader Joes.

Praise be upon my aging pals,
who bring by take-out lunches,
gab about how great it was to work in rocketry
and  swap our thoughts about a trip to Mars.

Praise be

-e hujsak

Sunday, January 22, 2017


-attributed to President Trump-

“This election is rigged;” “Russia! Hack the Clinton e-mails!; ”Climate Change is a hoax;” “Crooked Hillary;” Crazy Bernie;” “Pocahontas;” “The Military is a disaster;”  “There has to be a punishment” (for abortion);  “I’m very, very rich;” “I’ll release my tax returns before the election;“ “Throw ‘im out!;”  “I’d like to punch him in the nose!;” “Bomb the shit out of ISIS;” “Grab ‘em by the pu##y;”  “It’s going to be so-o o o incredible;” “unpresidented;” “We have nuclear bombs, why don’t we use them?;” “We should have taken the oil;” 

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Formidable…...Senator Feinstetn  absent from the confirmation hearings to get a pacemaker installed. Back to work the next day.

Dear Mr. Hujsak:

Thank you for writing to express your concerns with President-elect Trump and his future Administration.  I appreciate hearing from you, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

First, let me say to you that I understand your concerns.  My office has been flooded by calls and emails from Americans fearful of the aftermath of the election and what the new Administration will mean for our country.  I have heard from families who are terrified they will be torn apart, women who are concerned they will lose their rights, and parents worried they will not be able to afford their health insurance.  Others have voiced their struggle to cope with the racist and xenophobic attacks occurring within our country.

Since the election, we have been witnesses to hate against Muslim-Americans attacked for their faith, Latino elementary students humiliated by their peers who say they will be deported, and African-Americans harassed by Confederate flags and racist slurs.  We have also seen an unsettling rise in buildings being vandalized by swastikas and Nazi propaganda.  These disgraceful acts toward minorities, immigrants, and women are devastating to our values and everything America represents. 

I will not stand aside and watch the tremendous successes achieved over the past eight years be swept away, or allow our nation’s most vulnerable populations to be targeted.  As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am committed to protecting the fundamental constitutional rights of every American.  I will carefully scrutinize the policies of the Trump Administration, its senior officials, and future judicial nominees.  If Donald Trump is to succeed as President of the United States, he must ensure his actions reflect respect for all Americans and surround himself with advisors who do the same. 

Painted across American history are times when we have chosen to band together against oppressive rhetoric and injustice.  I am ready to help if President-elect Trump and his Administration are willing to work across the aisle to find pragmatic, bipartisan solutions to the many challenges facing our country.  But if there are efforts to roll back the progress we have fought too long to achieve, I will do whatever it takes to defend the values of California and our nation.  

Again, thank you for your letter.  I hope you will continue to write to me with issues of importance to you.  If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C., office at (202) 224-3841.  Best regards.

Sincerely yours,

  Dianne Feinstein
         United States Senator

Sunday, January 8, 2017


        2016 has come to an end. Goodbye to  what for some was a forgettable year. With a new president, we can hope for the best, but for me there is little clarity as to his intentions.
Thinking back, I have lived through fourteen presidencies, some good, some 
not so good. The first was Herbert Hoover, though I was too young to remember him. The financial crash of 1929 occurred  on his watch. I do remember Franklin Roosevelt, however..
That was about the time that my father bought a Philco console radio and installed it in the living room of the farmhouse. Then he and my brother Karol erected a tall pine antenna pole about a hundred feet from the house and strung an antenna wire to the eave, down the side of the house and into the living room (the pole was later struck and splintered by lightning).
  Between the tuning squeals we could find a few stations. I recall the radio play "The Shadow" which came on every Sunday afternoon. 
I remember well Roosevelt's Saturday night "Fireside Chats" that always began with: "My Friends," with the emphasis on "My." He was the right  man for the times. Our only three term president. He put the country back to work through the Worker's Progress Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps. Even artists and sculptors were hired to do murals, artworks, etc. I have in my possession a plaster bust of Roosevelt executed from life in the White House….a gift from the sculptor's wife.
The aristocracy didn't like him, though he did come from a wealthy family. 
Soon after he was elected, JP Morgan attempted a Fascist coup when he tried to enlist Marine General Smedley Butler to raise an army to march on and take over the government. Butler would have none of it and reported it to Congress, but nothing came of it. Today the aristocracy  appears to have taken over the government by other means, judging by the number of billionaires in power. Who knows where that will lead. 
I also remember the real-time Adolph Hitler speeches, haranguing his followers to a fever pitch during his rise to power. I didn't understand it, as he spoke in German, but  the tone of it was decidedly unsettling. People are still letting demagogues have the upper hand.
The 1930's were quite a time: The United States recovery from the depression, the rise of the demagogues Hitler, Mussolini, the Ethiopian War, the Hindenburg disaster, the Long Island Express Hurricane, frigid winters, the Merrimack River flood, the Lindbergh baby kidnapping; Amelia Earharts disappearance in a flight over the Pacific, Orson Welles scary "News" broadcast of a Martian Invasion, Robert Goddard's rocket inventions which the Germans adopted and the onset of World War II. 
Here's to a serene and productive 2017, but don't bet on it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


It makes sense, doesn't it, when something like the Affordable Care Act exhibits shortcomings, that steps would be taken to fix it. It's hardly conceivable that it is so bad that an arm of the government would be bent on axing it out of existence. This has been the mantra of the Republican Party since the bill's enactment. It now affects the lives of millions of people, and its history has shown that there are shortcomings. The sensible course of action is to fix it, not kill it. Its shortcomings are clearly fixable and action along this line is what is called for. A gradual conversion to medicare for all, it seems to me, makes more sense. It could be designed so that if people took care of their health and did not use it, they would be eligible for a rebate. A healthier nation would be an automatic result. Everyone wins.